Open Door Policy

We are honored you have entrusted us with your children. TNAACS believes that working with our families is vital to providing our students with a high-quality education. Our community takes pride in our open-door policy, where parents are welcome to participate in the classroom. Further, we invite families every six weeks into the school for a curriculum celebration.


Get Involved

There are many ways to support your child’s education and contribute to TNAACS community. Whether you have a lot of time to offer or just a few hours, there are many possibilities to accommodate your schedule and interests.

Attend celebrations and learning throughout the year.
Participate in Parent Forums or classroom meetings.
Share your talents with the community.
Volunteer at the school and lend a supportive hand.
Join a panel to share your experience with incoming families.

Have an idea that’s not listed above?

Let us Know!

Contact our main office and ask for Elias Marrero, our Student Recruitment and Parent Outreach Coordinator.